start: at Fri Oct 15 12:41:53 2021 CALL_NO: no match of 852 with linked z30 records - 000043403 852: >323< z30: >362.7 Rit Man< linked z30: 1 old: 000043403 8521 L $$bREYAS$$h323 new: 000043403 8521 L $$bREYAS$$c$$h362.7 Rit Man CALL_NO: no match of 852 with linked z30 records - 000044731 852: >051< z30: >051 TMM 2004< linked z30: 1 old: 000044731 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 new: 000044731 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 TMM 2004 CALL_NO: no match of 852 with linked z30 records - 000044788 852: >051< z30: >Glæður 1996< linked z30: 1 old: 000044788 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 new: 000044788 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$hGlæður 1996 --- HOL record 000044797 --- COLLECTION: no match of 852 with linked z30 records - 000044797 8521 L $$bREYAS CALL_NO: no match of 852 with linked z30 records - 000044797 852: >< z30: >051 Ritið 2001:1< linked z30: 1 old: 000044797 8521 L $$bREYAS new: 000044797 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 Ritið 2001:1 CALL_NO: no match of 852 with linked z30 records - 000044800 852: >051< z30: >051 Stjórn 2006< linked z30: 1 old: 000044800 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 new: 000044800 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 Stjórn 2006 CALL_NO: no match of 852 with linked z30 records - 000044801 852: >051< z30: >051 Heimili og sk 1948-60< linked z30: 1 old: 000044801 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 new: 000044801 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 Heimili og sk 1948-60 CALL_NO: no match of 852 with linked z30 records - 000044802 852: >051< z30: >051 Skíma 2007< linked z30: 1 old: 000044802 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 new: 000044802 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 Skíma 2007 CALL_NO: no match of 852 with linked z30 records - 000044803 852: >051< z30: >051 Ný Menntam 1999< linked z30: 1 old: 000044803 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 new: 000044803 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 Ný Menntam 1999 CALL_NO: no match of 852 with linked z30 records - 000044805 852: >051< z30: >051 Dropinn : 2007< linked z30: 1 old: 000044805 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 new: 000044805 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 Dropinn : 2007 CALL_NO: no match of 852 with linked z30 records - 000044809 852: >051< z30: >Herðubreið 2007:1< linked z30: 1 old: 000044809 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 new: 000044809 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$hHerðubreið 2007:1 CALL_NO: no match of 852 with linked z30 records - 000044811 852: >051< z30: >NordiskL 2002< linked z30: 1 old: 000044811 8520 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 new: 000044811 8520 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$hNordiskL 2002 CALL_NO: no match of 852 with linked z30 records - 000044813 852: >051< z30: >051 Ný Saga 1987-88< linked z30: 1 old: 000044813 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 new: 000044813 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 Ný Saga 1987-88 CALL_NO: no match of 852 with linked z30 records - 000044814 852: >051< z30: >051 Orðið< linked z30: 1 old: 000044814 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 new: 000044814 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 Orðið CALL_NO: no match of 852 with linked z30 records - 000044821 852: >051< z30: >051 Studia 1937-39< linked z30: 1 old: 000044821 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 new: 000044821 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 Studia 1937-39 CALL_NO: no match of 852 with linked z30 records - 000044825 852: >051< z30: >051 Tímar um raunv 2003-06< linked z30: 1 old: 000044825 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 new: 000044825 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 Tímar um raunv 2003-06 CALL_NO: no match of 852 with linked z30 records - 000044826 852: >051< z30: >051 Tímar um viðs 2003< linked z30: 1 old: 000044826 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 new: 000044826 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 Tímar um viðs 2003 CALL_NO: no match of 852 with linked z30 records - 000044828 852: >051< z30: >051 Dagfari 1976< linked z30: 1 old: 000044828 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 new: 000044828 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 Dagfari 1976 CALL_NO: no match of 852 with linked z30 records - 000044836 852: >051< z30: >051 Edda 1945-46< linked z30: 1 old: 000044836 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 new: 000044836 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 Edda 1945-46 CALL_NO: no match of 852 with linked z30 records - 000044848 852: >051< z30: >051 Fjö 1976-1982 Á< linked z30: 1 old: 000044848 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 new: 000044848 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 Fjö 1976-1982 Á CALL_NO: no match of 852 with linked z30 records - 000044851 852: >051< z30: >051 Fregnir 2000-< linked z30: 1 old: 000044851 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 new: 000044851 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 Fregnir 2000- CALL_NO: no match of 852 with linked z30 records - 000044852 852: >051< z30: >051 Frétt um heil 1979-81< linked z30: 1 old: 000044852 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 new: 000044852 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 Frétt um heil 1979-81 CALL_NO: no match of 852 with linked z30 records - 000044864 852: >051< z30: >051 Garðyrkjur. 1968-1986< linked z30: 1 old: 000044864 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 new: 000044864 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 Garðyrkjur. 1968-1986 CALL_NO: no match of 852 with linked z30 records - 000044865 852: >051< z30: >Geðhjálp 1987< linked z30: 1 old: 000044865 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 new: 000044865 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$hGeðhjálp 1987 CALL_NO: no match of 852 with linked z30 records - 000044866 852: >051< z30: >051 Geðvernd 2006< linked z30: 1 old: 000044866 852 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 new: 000044866 852 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 Geðvernd 2006 CALL_NO: no match of 852 with linked z30 records - 000044867 852: >051< z30: >Gerpir 1947-51< linked z30: 1 old: 000044867 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 new: 000044867 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$hGerpir 1947-51 CALL_NO: no match of 852 with linked z30 records - 000044885 852: >051< z30: >050 Glett 2002< linked z30: 1 old: 000044885 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 new: 000044885 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h050 Glett 2002 CALL_NO: no match of 852 with linked z30 records - 000044888 852: >051< z30: >051 Skýrsla Hafr 1994-98< linked z30: 1 old: 000044888 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 new: 000044888 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 Skýrsla Hafr 1994-98 CALL_NO: no match of 852 with linked z30 records - 000044889 852: >051< z30: >051 Handb sv 1966-75< linked z30: 1 old: 000044889 852 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 new: 000044889 852 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 Handb sv 1966-75 CALL_NO: no match of 852 with linked z30 records - 000044890 852: >051< z30: >Heilsuhr 1991-99< linked z30: 1 old: 000044890 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 new: 000044890 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$hHeilsuhr 1991-99 CALL_NO: no match of 852 with linked z30 records - 000044896 852: >051< z30: >051 Heimili og sk 1993-2004< linked z30: 1 old: 000044896 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 new: 000044896 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 Heimili og sk 1993-2004 CALL_NO: no match of 852 with linked z30 records - 000044898 852: >051< z30: >051 Heimilisbl 1894-95< linked z30: 1 old: 000044898 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 new: 000044898 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 Heimilisbl 1894-95 CALL_NO: no match of 852 with linked z30 records - 000044899 852: >051< z30: >051 Heimir 1905-14< linked z30: 1 old: 000044899 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 new: 000044899 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 Heimir 1905-14 CALL_NO: no match of 852 with linked z30 records - 000044900 852: >051< z30: >051 Helgafell 1942-55< linked z30: 1 old: 000044900 852 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 new: 000044900 852 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 Helgafell 1942-55 CALL_NO: no match of 852 with linked z30 records - 000044902 852: >051< z30: >051 Hjúkrun 1978-97< linked z30: 1 old: 000044902 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 new: 000044902 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 Hjúkrun 1978-97 CALL_NO: no match of 852 with linked z30 records - 000044903 852: >051< z30: >051 Hollefni 1982-90< linked z30: 1 old: 000044903 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 new: 000044903 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 Hollefni 1982-90 CALL_NO: no match of 852 with linked z30 records - 000044904 852: >051< z30: >051 Hrafnaþing 2006< linked z30: 1 old: 000044904 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 new: 000044904 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 Hrafnaþing 2006 CALL_NO: no match of 852 with linked z30 records - 000044906 852: >051< z30: >051 Húnavaka 2000< linked z30: 1 old: 000044906 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 new: 000044906 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 Húnavaka 2000 CALL_NO: no match of 852 with linked z30 records - 000044907 852: >051< z30: >051 Húsfr 1980-1997< linked z30: 1 old: 000044907 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 new: 000044907 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 Húsfr 1980-1997 --- HOL record 000044909 --- COLLECTION: no match of 852 with linked z30 records - 000044909 852 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 CALL_NO: no match of 852 with linked z30 records - 000044909 852: >051< z30: >051 Hugur og h 1967-2006< linked z30: 1 old: 000044909 852 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 new: 000044909 852 L $$bREYAS$$cHOLF$$h051 Hugur og h 1967-2006 CALL_NO: no match of 852 with linked z30 records - 000044912 852: >050< z30: >051 Iðunn 1860< linked z30: 1 old: 000044912 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h050 new: 000044912 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 Iðunn 1860 CALL_NO: no match of 852 with linked z30 records - 000044914 852: >051< z30: >051 Ísl bók 1974-82< linked z30: 1 old: 000044914 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 new: 000044914 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 Ísl bók 1974-82 CALL_NO: no match of 852 with linked z30 records - 000044916 852: >051< z30: >051 Ísl fél 1995-97< linked z30: 1 old: 000044916 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 new: 000044916 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 Ísl fél 1995-97 CALL_NO: no match of 852 with linked z30 records - 000044917 852: >051< z30: >051 Ísl tun 1965< linked z30: 1 old: 000044917 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 new: 000044917 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 Ísl tun 1965 CALL_NO: no match of 852 with linked z30 records - 000044918 852: >895< z30: >051 Ísl mál 1993-2005< linked z30: 1 old: 000044918 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h895 new: 000044918 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 Ísl mál 1993-2005 CALL_NO: no match of 852 with linked z30 records - 000044919 852: >051< z30: >051 Ísl sjó 1987< linked z30: 1 old: 000044919 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 new: 000044919 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 Ísl sjó 1987 CALL_NO: no match of 852 with linked z30 records - 000044921 852: >051< z30: >051 Ísl Good< linked z30: 1 old: 000044921 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 new: 000044921 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 Ísl Good CALL_NO: no match of 852 with linked z30 records - 000044923 852: >051< z30: >051 Jörð 1940-1948< linked z30: 1 old: 000044923 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 new: 000044923 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 Jörð 1940-1948 CALL_NO: no match of 852 with linked z30 records - 000044924 852: >051< z30: >051 Jörð 1931-34< linked z30: 1 old: 000044924 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 new: 000044924 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 Jörð 1931-34 --- HOL record 000044926 --- COLLECTION: no match of 852 with linked z30 records - 000044926 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 old: 000044926 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 new: 000044926 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cHOLF$$h051 CALL_NO: no match of 852 with linked z30 records - 000044931 852: >051< z30: >051 Kvöldvaka 1951-52< linked z30: 2 old: 000044931 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 new: 000044931 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 Kvöldvaka 1951-52 CALL_NO: no match of 852 with linked z30 records - 000044932 852: >051< z30: >051 Kvöldvfél 1961-67< linked z30: 1 old: 000044932 852 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 new: 000044932 852 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 Kvöldvfél 1961-67 CALL_NO: no match of 852 with linked z30 records - 000044934 852: >051< z30: >051 Lesarkir Nátt< linked z30: 1 old: 000044934 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 new: 000044934 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 Lesarkir Nátt CALL_NO: no match of 852 with linked z30 records - 000044937 852: >051< z30: >051 Líf og list 1950-51< linked z30: 1 old: 000044937 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 new: 000044937 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 Líf og list 1950-51 CALL_NO: no match of 852 with linked z30 records - 000044938 852: >051< z30: >051 Lystr 1975-1981< linked z30: 1 old: 000044938 852 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 new: 000044938 852 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 Lystr 1975-1981 --- HOL record 000044939 --- COLLECTION: no match of 852 with linked z30 records - 000044939 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 old: 000044939 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 new: 000044939 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA1$$h051 CALL_NO: no match of 852 with linked z30 records - 000044940 852: >051< z30: >051 Lögr 1932-36< linked z30: 1 old: 000044940 852 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 new: 000044940 852 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 Lögr 1932-36 CALL_NO: no match of 852 with linked z30 records - 000044941 852: >051< z30: >051 Málfríður 2005-< linked z30: 1 old: 000044941 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 new: 000044941 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 Málfríður 2005- CALL_NO: no match of 852 with linked z30 records - 000044943 852: >051< z30: >051 Menntam 1968< linked z30: 1 old: 000044943 852 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 new: 000044943 852 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 Menntam 1968 CALL_NO: no match of 852 with linked z30 records - 000044946 852: >051< z30: >Íþróttabl 1963-90< linked z30: 1 old: 000044946 852 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 new: 000044946 852 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$hÍþróttabl 1963-90 CALL_NO: no match of 852 with linked z30 records - 000044947 852: >051< z30: >051 Mím 1962-81< linked z30: 1 old: 000044947 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 new: 000044947 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 Mím 1962-81 CALL_NO: no match of 852 with linked z30 records - 000044950 852: >051< z30: >051 Múlaþing 1990-94< linked z30: 1 old: 000044950 852 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 new: 000044950 852 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 Múlaþing 1990-94 CALL_NO: no match of 852 with linked z30 records - 000044957 852: >051< z30: >NordN 2005:3< linked z30: 1 old: 000044957 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 new: 000044957 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$hNordN 2005:3 CALL_NO: no match of 852 with linked z30 records - 000044959 852: >051< z30: >051 Norðurljósið 1966-73< linked z30: 1 old: 000044959 852 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 new: 000044959 852 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 Norðurljósið 1966-73 CALL_NO: no match of 852 with linked z30 records - 000044993 852: >051< z30: >051 Nýtt Helgafell 1956-59< linked z30: 1 old: 000044993 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 new: 000044993 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 Nýtt Helgafell 1956-59 CALL_NO: no match of 852 with linked z30 records - 000044994 852: >051< z30: >051 Nýtt 1940-51< linked z30: 1 old: 000044994 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 new: 000044994 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 Nýtt 1940-51 CALL_NO: no match of 852 with linked z30 records - 000045002 852: >051< z30: >051 Perlur 1930-31< linked z30: 1 old: 000045002 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 new: 000045002 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 Perlur 1930-31 CALL_NO: no match of 852 with linked z30 records - 000045007 852: >020< z30: >051 Ritmennt 1996-2003< linked z30: 1 old: 000045007 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h020 new: 000045007 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 Ritmennt 1996-2003 CALL_NO: no match of 852 with linked z30 records - 000045008 852: >051< z30: >051 Ritr guðfr 1994< linked z30: 1 old: 000045008 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 new: 000045008 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 Ritr guðfr 1994 CALL_NO: no match of 852 with linked z30 records - 000045009 852: >051< z30: >051 Ritl. og myndl. 1947< linked z30: 1 old: 000045009 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 new: 000045009 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 Ritl. og myndl. 1947 CALL_NO: no match of 852 with linked z30 records - 000045010 852: >051< z30: >051 Rökkur 1938-1949< linked z30: 1 old: 000045010 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 new: 000045010 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 Rökkur 1938-1949 --- HOL record 000045041 --- COLLECTION: no match of 852 with linked z30 records - 000045041 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 old: 000045041 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 new: 000045041 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 CALL_NO: no match of 852 with linked z30 records - 000045045 852: >051< z30: >051 Ský sjó 1986-1997< linked z30: 1 old: 000045045 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 new: 000045045 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 Ský sjó 1986-1997 CALL_NO: no match of 852 with linked z30 records - 000045048 852: >051< z30: >051 Ský Umb< linked z30: 1 old: 000045048 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 new: 000045048 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 Ský Umb CALL_NO: no match of 852 with linked z30 records - 000045049 852: >051< z30: >051 Smellur 2003< linked z30: 1 old: 000045049 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 new: 000045049 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 Smellur 2003 CALL_NO: no match of 852 with linked z30 records - 000045050 852: >051< z30: >051 Sólskin 1930-1965< linked z30: 1 old: 000045050 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 new: 000045050 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 Sólskin 1930-1965 CALL_NO: no match of 852 with linked z30 records - 000045054 852: >051< z30: >051 Storð 1983-84< linked z30: 1 old: 000045054 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 new: 000045054 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 Storð 1983-84 CALL_NO: no match of 852 with linked z30 records - 000045055 852: >051< z30: >051 Sumarg 1905-08< linked z30: 1 old: 000045055 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 new: 000045055 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 Sumarg 1905-08 CALL_NO: no match of 852 with linked z30 records - 000045057 852: >051< z30: >051 Sunnudbl Alþb. 1939< linked z30: 1 old: 000045057 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 new: 000045057 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 Sunnudbl Alþb. 1939 CALL_NO: no match of 852 with linked z30 records - 000045059 852: >051< z30: >051 Súlur 1971-91< linked z30: 1 old: 000045059 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 new: 000045059 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 Súlur 1971-91 CALL_NO: no match of 852 with linked z30 records - 000045062 852: >051< z30: >051 Syrpa 1911-1922< linked z30: 1 old: 000045062 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 new: 000045062 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 Syrpa 1911-1922 --- HOL record 000045065 --- SUB_LIBRARY: no match of 852 with linked z30 records - 000045065 8521 L $$bKEIHS$$cTIMAR$$h051 COLLECTION: no match of 852 with linked z30 records - 000045065 8521 L $$bKEIHS$$cTIMAR$$h051 CALL_NO: no match of 852 with linked z30 records - 000045065 852: >051< z30: >051 TMM 1938-2003< linked z30: 1 old: 000045065 8521 L $$bKEIHS$$cTIMAR$$h051 new: 000045065 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 TMM 1938-2003 CALL_NO: no match of 852 with linked z30 records - 000045067 852: >051< z30: >051 Tímar um upp 1888< linked z30: 1 old: 000045067 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 new: 000045067 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 Tímar um upp 1888 CALL_NO: no match of 852 with linked z30 records - 000045068 852: >051< z30: >051 Tímar verkfr 1912-83< linked z30: 1 old: 000045068 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 new: 000045068 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 Tímar verkfr 1912-83 --- HOL record 000045072 --- COLLECTION: no match of 852 with linked z30 records - 000045072 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 CALL_NO: no match of 852 with linked z30 records - 000045072 852: >051< z30: >051 Uppeldi 1992-2006< linked z30: 1 old: 000045072 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 new: 000045072 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cHOLF$$h051 Uppeldi 1992-2006 CALL_NO: no match of 852 with linked z30 records - 000045073 852: >051< z30: >051 Úlfljótur 1996-2006< linked z30: 1 old: 000045073 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 new: 000045073 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 Úlfljótur 1996-2006 CALL_NO: no match of 852 with linked z30 records - 000045076 852: >051< z30: >051 Útvarpstíð 1938-46< linked z30: 1 old: 000045076 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 new: 000045076 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 Útvarpstíð 1938-46 CALL_NO: no match of 852 with linked z30 records - 000045078 852: >051< z30: >051 Vaka tímarit 1927-29< linked z30: 1 old: 000045078 852 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 new: 000045078 852 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 Vaka tímarit 1927-29 CALL_NO: no match of 852 with linked z30 records - 000045079 852: >051< z30: >051 Veðrið 1968-73< linked z30: 1 old: 000045079 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 new: 000045079 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 Veðrið 1968-73 CALL_NO: no match of 852 with linked z30 records - 000045082 852: >051< z30: >051 Viðar 1936-38< linked z30: 1 old: 000045082 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 new: 000045082 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 Viðar 1936-38 CALL_NO: no match of 852 with linked z30 records - 000045083 852: >051< z30: >051 Víðförli 1947-54< linked z30: 1 old: 000045083 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 new: 000045083 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 Víðförli 1947-54 CALL_NO: no match of 852 with linked z30 records - 000045091 852: >051< z30: >051 Vorblómið 1985-89< linked z30: 1 old: 000045091 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 new: 000045091 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 Vorblómið 1985-89 CALL_NO: no match of 852 with linked z30 records - 000045096 852: >051< z30: >051 Þingt stór 1886-1931< linked z30: 1 old: 000045096 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 new: 000045096 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 Þingt stór 1886-1931 CALL_NO: no match of 852 with linked z30 records - 000045099 852: >051< z30: >051 Þjóðlíf 1985-90< linked z30: 1 old: 000045099 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 new: 000045099 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 Þjóðlíf 1985-90 CALL_NO: no match of 852 with linked z30 records - 000045102 852: >051< z30: >051 Æsk og ABC 1995-97< linked z30: 1 old: 000045102 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 new: 000045102 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 Æsk og ABC 1995-97 CALL_NO: no match of 852 with linked z30 records - 000045103 852: >051< z30: >051 Æskan 1998-2004< linked z30: 1 old: 000045103 852 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 new: 000045103 852 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 Æskan 1998-2004 CALL_NO: no match of 852 with linked z30 records - 000045106 852: >051< z30: >051 Öldrun 2005:01< linked z30: 1 old: 000045106 8522 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 new: 000045106 8522 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 Öldrun 2005:01 CALL_NO: no match of 852 with linked z30 records - 000045107 852: >051< z30: >Þroskahj 2001-2008< linked z30: 1 old: 000045107 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 new: 000045107 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$hÞroskahj 2001-2008 CALL_NO: no match of 852 with linked z30 records - 000045342 852: >051< z30: >051 Gripla 1< linked z30: 2 old: 000045342 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 new: 000045342 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 Gripla 1 CALL_NO: no match of 852 with linked z30 records - 000046120 852: >S< z30: >813 Sjö Mað< linked z30: 1 old: 000046120 8521 L $$bREYAS$$hS new: 000046120 8521 L $$bREYAS$$c$$h813 Sjö Mað CALL_NO: no match of 852 with linked z30 records - 000046660 852: >639< z30: >Fjölrit Hafró Nr. 44-138< linked z30: 1 old: 000046660 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h639 new: 000046660 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$hFjölrit Hafró Nr. 44-138 --- HOL record 000046964 --- COLLECTION: no match of 852 with linked z30 records - 000046964 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA1$$h505 old: 000046964 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA1$$h505 new: 000046964 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h505 CALL_NO: no match of 852 with linked z30 records - 000047173 852: >051< z30: >Fermbl. 1962-72 Á< linked z30: 1 old: 000047173 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 new: 000047173 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$hFermbl. 1962-72 Á CALL_NO: no match of 852 with linked z30 records - 000047179 852: >051< z30: >051 Framfari 1877-79< linked z30: 1 old: 000047179 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 new: 000047179 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 Framfari 1877-79 CALL_NO: no match of 852 with linked z30 records - 000047182 852: >051< z30: >051 Sæbjörg 1892< linked z30: 1 old: 000047182 852 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 new: 000047182 852 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 Sæbjörg 1892 CALL_NO: no match of 852 with linked z30 records - 000047183 852: >051< z30: >051 Laugardagsbl 1954-56< linked z30: 1 old: 000047183 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 new: 000047183 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 Laugardagsbl 1954-56 CALL_NO: no match of 852 with linked z30 records - 000047185 852: >051< z30: >051 Suðurn.pósturinn 1981-82< linked z30: 2 old: 000047185 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 new: 000047185 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 Suðurn.pósturinn 1981-82 CALL_NO: no match of 852 with linked z30 records - 000047186 852: >051< z30: >051 1953-56< linked z30: 1 old: 000047186 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 new: 000047186 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 1953-56 CALL_NO: no match of 852 with linked z30 records - 000047187 852: >051< z30: >051 Árvakur 1973< linked z30: 1 old: 000047187 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 new: 000047187 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 Árvakur 1973 CALL_NO: no match of 852 with linked z30 records - 000047188 852: >051< z30: >051 Nesið 1973-75< linked z30: 1 old: 000047188 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 new: 000047188 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 Nesið 1973-75 CALL_NO: no match of 852 with linked z30 records - 000047189 852: >051< z30: >051 Öldin 1893-96< linked z30: 1 old: 000047189 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 new: 000047189 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 Öldin 1893-96 CALL_NO: no match of 852 with linked z30 records - 000047190 852: >051< z30: >051 KT 1957-59< linked z30: 1 old: 000047190 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 new: 000047190 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 KT 1957-59 CALL_NO: no match of 852 with linked z30 records - 000047191 852: >051< z30: >051 Heimir 1958< linked z30: 1 old: 000047191 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 new: 000047191 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 Heimir 1958 CALL_NO: no match of 852 with linked z30 records - 000047192 852: >051< z30: >051 Eldey 1948< linked z30: 2 old: 000047192 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 new: 000047192 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 Eldey 1948 CALL_NO: no match of 852 with linked z30 records - 000047193 852: >051< z30: >051 Jökull 1972-3< linked z30: 1 old: 000047193 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 new: 000047193 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 Jökull 1972-3 CALL_NO: no match of 852 with linked z30 records - 000047196 852: >051< z30: >051 Suðurfréttir 2003< linked z30: 1 old: 000047196 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 new: 000047196 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 Suðurfréttir 2003 CALL_NO: no match of 852 with linked z30 records - 000047199 852: >051< z30: >051 RT Reykjan.tíð 1999-2000< linked z30: 1 old: 000047199 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 new: 000047199 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 RT Reykjan.tíð 1999-2000 CALL_NO: no match of 852 with linked z30 records - 000047487 852: >051< z30: >051 Tíðindin 2003< linked z30: 1 old: 000047487 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 new: 000047487 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 Tíðindin 2003 CALL_NO: no match of 852 with linked z30 records - 000047553 852: >051< z30: >051 Bæjarblaðið 1989-91< linked z30: 1 old: 000047553 852 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 new: 000047553 852 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 Bæjarblaðið 1989-91 CALL_NO: no match of 852 with linked z30 records - 000047890 852: >051< z30: >051 Ármann 1972-1997< linked z30: 1 old: 000047890 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 new: 000047890 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 Ármann 1972-1997 CALL_NO: no match of 852 with linked z30 records - 000047923 852: >< z30: >051 Nesið 1987-88< linked z30: 1 old: 000047923 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2 new: 000047923 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 Nesið 1987-88 CALL_NO: no match of 852 with linked z30 records - 000047924 852: >< z30: >051 Örn 1973< linked z30: 2 old: 000047924 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2 new: 000047924 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 Örn 1973 CALL_NO: no match of 852 with linked z30 records - 000047925 852: >< z30: >051 Loginn 1982-94< linked z30: 1 old: 000047925 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2 new: 000047925 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 Loginn 1982-94 CALL_NO: no match of 852 with linked z30 records - 000047926 852: >051< z30: >051 20. nóv 1993< linked z30: 1 old: 000047926 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 new: 000047926 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 20. nóv 1993 CALL_NO: no match of 852 with linked z30 records - 000047951 852: >051< z30: >051 Gefn 1870-73< linked z30: 1 old: 000047951 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 new: 000047951 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 Gefn 1870-73 CALL_NO: no match of 852 with linked z30 records - 000047953 852: >058< z30: >058 Islandske maan< linked z30: 1 old: 000047953 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h058 new: 000047953 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h058 Islandske maan CALL_NO: no match of 852 with linked z30 records - 000047956 852: >051< z30: >051 Ísl sagnabl 1817-26< linked z30: 1 old: 000047956 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 new: 000047956 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 Ísl sagnabl 1817-26 CALL_NO: no match of 852 with linked z30 records - 000047958 852: >051< z30: >051 Klausturpóst.1818-26< linked z30: 1 old: 000047958 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 new: 000047958 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 Klausturpóst.1818-26 CALL_NO: no match of 852 with linked z30 records - 000047961 852: >051< z30: >051 Rit þess ísl 1781-96< linked z30: 1 old: 000047961 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 new: 000047961 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 Rit þess ísl 1781-96 CALL_NO: no match of 852 with linked z30 records - 000047970 852: >051< z30: >051 Óðinn 1906-21< linked z30: 1 old: 000047970 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 new: 000047970 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 Óðinn 1906-21 CALL_NO: no match of 852 with linked z30 records - 000047981 852: >051< z30: >051 Tíbrá 1-2< linked z30: 1 old: 000047981 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 new: 000047981 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 Tíbrá 1-2 CALL_NO: no match of 852 with linked z30 records - 000047982 852: >051< z30: >051 Tímar Ísl bókmf 1880-< linked z30: 2 old: 000047982 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 new: 000047982 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 Tímar Ísl bókmf 1880- CALL_NO: no match of 852 with linked z30 records - 000047988 852: >051< z30: >051 A-listinn 2006< linked z30: 1 old: 000047988 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 new: 000047988 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 A-listinn 2006 CALL_NO: no match of 852 with linked z30 records - 000047991 852: >051< z30: >051 Alþýðubl Keflav.1980-1994< linked z30: 1 old: 000047991 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 new: 000047991 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 Alþýðubl Keflav.1980-1994 CALL_NO: no match of 852 with linked z30 records - 000047992 852: >051< z30: >051 Á tímamótum< linked z30: 1 old: 000047992 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 new: 000047992 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 Á tímamótum CALL_NO: no match of 852 with linked z30 records - 000047994 852: >051< z30: >051 Árblik [1978]< linked z30: 1 old: 000047994 8520 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 new: 000047994 8520 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 Árblik [1978] CALL_NO: no match of 852 with linked z30 records - 000047996 852: >051< z30: >051 Ársskýrsla ÍBK< linked z30: 1 old: 000047996 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 new: 000047996 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 Ársskýrsla ÍBK CALL_NO: no match of 852 with linked z30 records - 000048000 852: >051< z30: >051 Ársskýrsla Keflavíkurb< linked z30: 1 old: 000048000 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 new: 000048000 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 Ársskýrsla Keflavíkurb CALL_NO: no match of 852 with linked z30 records - 000048001 852: >331.05< z30: >051 Ásb 2010:2< linked z30: 1 old: 000048001 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA1$$h331.05 new: 000048001 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA1$$h051 Ásb 2010:2 CALL_NO: no match of 852 with linked z30 records - 000048003 852: >051< z30: >051 Blaðið (FS) 1992-5< linked z30: 1 old: 000048003 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 new: 000048003 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 Blaðið (FS) 1992-5 CALL_NO: no match of 852 with linked z30 records - 000048005 852: >051< z30: >051 Blaðið okkar 1973-75< linked z30: 1 old: 000048005 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 new: 000048005 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 Blaðið okkar 1973-75 CALL_NO: no match of 852 with linked z30 records - 000048006 852: >051< z30: >051 Borgarablaðið 1987< linked z30: 1 old: 000048006 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 new: 000048006 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 Borgarablaðið 1987 CALL_NO: no match of 852 with linked z30 records - 000048007 852: >051< z30: >051 Bær 2005< linked z30: 1 old: 000048007 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 new: 000048007 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 Bær 2005 CALL_NO: no match of 852 with linked z30 records - 000048008 852: >051< z30: >051 FS blaðið 1980-86< linked z30: 1 old: 000048008 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 new: 000048008 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 FS blaðið 1980-86 CALL_NO: no match of 852 with linked z30 records - 000048009 852: >324.205< z30: >051 Framsókn 1987< linked z30: 1 old: 000048009 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h324.205 new: 000048009 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 Framsókn 1987 CALL_NO: no match of 852 with linked z30 records - 000048068 852: >051< z30: >051 Fréttabl 1984< linked z30: 1 old: 000048068 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 new: 000048068 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 Fréttabl 1984 CALL_NO: no match of 852 with linked z30 records - 000048069 852: >051< z30: >051 Einsetning Gr 2000< linked z30: 1 old: 000048069 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 new: 000048069 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 Einsetning Gr 2000 CALL_NO: no match of 852 with linked z30 records - 000048071 852: >051< z30: >051 Fréttab Mark 1999< linked z30: 1 old: 000048071 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 new: 000048071 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 Fréttab Mark 1999 CALL_NO: no match of 852 with linked z30 records - 000048072 852: >051< z30: >051 Fréttabr. Sagnfr 2006< linked z30: 1 old: 000048072 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 new: 000048072 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 Fréttabr. Sagnfr 2006 CALL_NO: no match of 852 with linked z30 records - 000048074 852: >051< z30: >051 Fréttabr Verkal 1990-2003< linked z30: 1 old: 000048074 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 new: 000048074 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 Fréttabr Verkal 1990-2003 CALL_NO: no match of 852 with linked z30 records - 000048075 852: >051< z30: >051 Frétt 2004< linked z30: 1 old: 000048075 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 new: 000048075 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 Frétt 2004 CALL_NO: no match of 852 with linked z30 records - 000048076 852: >051< z30: >051 G'87 1987< linked z30: 1 old: 000048076 8520 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 new: 000048076 8520 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 G'87 1987 CALL_NO: no match of 852 with linked z30 records - 000048077 852: >051< z30: >051 Garri 1972< linked z30: 1 old: 000048077 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 new: 000048077 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 Garri 1972 CALL_NO: no match of 852 with linked z30 records - 000048078 852: >051< z30: >051 Gellir 1984-85< linked z30: 1 old: 000048078 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 new: 000048078 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 Gellir 1984-85 CALL_NO: no match of 852 with linked z30 records - 000048079 852: >051< z30: >051 Golfkl Suð 1994< linked z30: 1 old: 000048079 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 new: 000048079 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 Golfkl Suð 1994 CALL_NO: no match of 852 with linked z30 records - 000048080 852: >051< z30: >051 Grindvík.1978< linked z30: 1 old: 000048080 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 new: 000048080 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 Grindvík.1978 CALL_NO: no match of 852 with linked z30 records - 000048081 852: >051< z30: >051 Gróf< linked z30: 1 old: 000048081 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 new: 000048081 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 Gróf CALL_NO: no match of 852 with linked z30 records - 000048082 852: >051< z30: >051 Hagsm Suðurn 1983-84< linked z30: 1 old: 000048082 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 new: 000048082 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 Hagsm Suðurn 1983-84 CALL_NO: no match of 852 with linked z30 records - 000048083 852: >051< z30: >051 H-lista bl 1967< linked z30: 1 old: 000048083 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 new: 000048083 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 H-lista bl 1967 CALL_NO: no match of 852 with linked z30 records - 000048084 852: >051< z30: >051 Fréttabréf Heiðarsk 2005-< linked z30: 1 old: 000048084 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 new: 000048084 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 Fréttabréf Heiðarsk 2005- CALL_NO: no match of 852 with linked z30 records - 000048085 852: >< z30: >051 Hjallatún 1991< linked z30: 1 old: 000048085 852 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2 new: 000048085 852 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 Hjallatún 1991 CALL_NO: no match of 852 with linked z30 records - 000048086 852: >051< z30: >051 Högni 1976-80< linked z30: 1 old: 000048086 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 new: 000048086 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 Högni 1976-80 CALL_NO: no match of 852 with linked z30 records - 000048087 852: >051< z30: >051 Ingólfur 1976< linked z30: 1 old: 000048087 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 new: 000048087 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 Ingólfur 1976 CALL_NO: no match of 852 with linked z30 records - 000048088 852: >051< z30: >051 Innkastið 1991-8< linked z30: 1 old: 000048088 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 new: 000048088 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 Innkastið 1991-8 CALL_NO: no match of 852 with linked z30 records - 000048089 852: >051< z30: >Innsýn 2005:5< linked z30: 1 old: 000048089 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 new: 000048089 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$hInnsýn 2005:5 CALL_NO: no match of 852 with linked z30 records - 000048090 852: >051< z30: >051 Íþr.blað 1983< linked z30: 1 old: 000048090 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 new: 000048090 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 Íþr.blað 1983 CALL_NO: no match of 852 with linked z30 records - 000048091 852: >051< z30: >051 JC Suðurnes 1969-84< linked z30: 1 old: 000048091 852 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 new: 000048091 852 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 JC Suðurnes 1969-84 CALL_NO: no match of 852 with linked z30 records - 000048092 852: >051< z30: >051 Félagsfr JC 1985< linked z30: 1 old: 000048092 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 new: 000048092 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 Félagsfr JC 1985 CALL_NO: no match of 852 with linked z30 records - 000048113 852: >051< z30: >051 Sálfr 2007< linked z30: 1 old: 000048113 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 new: 000048113 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 Sálfr 2007 CALL_NO: no match of 852 with linked z30 records - 000048114 852: >051< z30: >051 Keflvíkingur 1966< linked z30: 1 old: 000048114 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 new: 000048114 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 Keflvíkingur 1966 CALL_NO: no match of 852 with linked z30 records - 000048115 852: >051< z30: >051 Keilir 1989< linked z30: 1 old: 000048115 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 new: 000048115 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 Keilir 1989 CALL_NO: no match of 852 with linked z30 records - 000048116 852: >051< z30: >051 Kiw Keilir 2010< linked z30: 1 old: 000048116 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 new: 000048116 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 Kiw Keilir 2010 CALL_NO: no match of 852 with linked z30 records - 000048122 852: >051< z30: >051 KSK blaðið 1991-2< linked z30: 1 old: 000048122 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 new: 000048122 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 KSK blaðið 1991-2 CALL_NO: no match of 852 with linked z30 records - 000048123 852: >051< z30: >051 Lífsþróttur 1988< linked z30: 1 old: 000048123 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 new: 000048123 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 Lífsþróttur 1988 CALL_NO: no match of 852 with linked z30 records - 000048131 852: >051< z30: >051 Mar Mar< linked z30: 1 old: 000048131 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 new: 000048131 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 Mar Mar CALL_NO: no match of 852 with linked z30 records - 000048133 852: >051< z30: >051 Meistarablað ÍBK 1984< linked z30: 1 old: 000048133 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 new: 000048133 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 Meistarablað ÍBK 1984 CALL_NO: no match of 852 with linked z30 records - 000048134 852: >051< z30: >Myllan 1985-91< linked z30: 1 old: 000048134 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 new: 000048134 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$hMyllan 1985-91 CALL_NO: no match of 852 with linked z30 records - 000048135 852: >051< z30: >051 Njarðvík< linked z30: 1 old: 000048135 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 new: 000048135 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 Njarðvík CALL_NO: no match of 852 with linked z30 records - 000048136 852: >051< z30: >051 Vellir 2001< linked z30: 1 old: 000048136 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 new: 000048136 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 Vellir 2001 CALL_NO: no match of 852 with linked z30 records - 000048141 852: >051< z30: >051 Njarðv 1970-74< linked z30: 1 old: 000048141 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 new: 000048141 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 Njarðv 1970-74 CALL_NO: no match of 852 with linked z30 records - 000048144 852: >051< z30: >051 Nýársstjarnan 1998< linked z30: 1 old: 000048144 852 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 new: 000048144 852 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 Nýársstjarnan 1998 CALL_NO: no match of 852 with linked z30 records - 000048145 852: >051< z30: >051 Njörður 1960-62< linked z30: 1 old: 000048145 852 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 new: 000048145 852 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 Njörður 1960-62 CALL_NO: no match of 852 with linked z30 records - 000048147 852: >< z30: >051 Óli Póstur< linked z30: 1 old: 000048147 852 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2 new: 000048147 852 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 Óli Póstur CALL_NO: no match of 852 with linked z30 records - 000048148 852: >051< z30: >051 Reykjan. 2007< linked z30: 1 old: 000048148 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA1$$h051 new: 000048148 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA1$$h051 Reykjan. 2007 CALL_NO: no match of 852 with linked z30 records - 000048149 852: >051< z30: >051 Rismál 1968< linked z30: 1 old: 000048149 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 new: 000048149 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 Rismál 1968 CALL_NO: no match of 852 with linked z30 records - 000048151 852: >051< z30: >051 Samfylkingin 2010< linked z30: 1 old: 000048151 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 new: 000048151 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 Samfylkingin 2010 CALL_NO: no match of 852 with linked z30 records - 000048152 852: >051< z30: >051 Sandgerði< linked z30: 1 old: 000048152 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 new: 000048152 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 Sandgerði CALL_NO: no match of 852 with linked z30 records - 000048154 852: >051< z30: >051 Sjávarútv 1987< linked z30: 1 old: 000048154 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 new: 000048154 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 Sjávarútv 1987 CALL_NO: no match of 852 with linked z30 records - 000048155 852: >051< z30: >051 Sjónhornið 1985< linked z30: 1 old: 000048155 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 new: 000048155 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 Sjónhornið 1985 CALL_NO: no match of 852 with linked z30 records - 000048156 852: >051< z30: >Skátabl.Brynja 1986< linked z30: 1 old: 000048156 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 new: 000048156 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$hSkátabl.Brynja 1986 CALL_NO: no match of 852 with linked z30 records - 000048157 852: >051< z30: >051 Skátinn 2007< linked z30: 1 old: 000048157 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 new: 000048157 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 Skátinn 2007 --- HOL record 000048158 --- COLLECTION: no match of 852 with linked z30 records - 000048158 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 CALL_NO: no match of 852 with linked z30 records - 000048158 852: >051< z30: >051 Skiphóll des 2019< linked z30: 1 old: 000048158 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 new: 000048158 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cHOLF$$h051 Skiphóll des 2019 CALL_NO: no match of 852 with linked z30 records - 000048159 852: >051< z30: >051 Skíðafélag Suðurn [1993)< linked z30: 1 old: 000048159 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 new: 000048159 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 Skíðafélag Suðurn [1993) CALL_NO: no match of 852 with linked z30 records - 000048160 852: >051< z30: >051 Suð 2002-03< linked z30: 1 old: 000048160 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 new: 000048160 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 Suð 2002-03 CALL_NO: no match of 852 with linked z30 records - 000048161 852: >051< z30: >051 Fjö 2007< linked z30: 1 old: 000048161 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 new: 000048161 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 Fjö 2007 CALL_NO: no match of 852 with linked z30 records - 000048162 852: >051< z30: >051 Suðurnesjaspegill 1984< linked z30: 1 old: 000048162 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 new: 000048162 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 Suðurnesjaspegill 1984 CALL_NO: no match of 852 with linked z30 records - 000048163 852: >051< z30: >051 Sumar í Rnb 2001< linked z30: 1 old: 000048163 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 new: 000048163 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 Sumar í Rnb 2001 CALL_NO: no match of 852 with linked z30 records - 000048170 852: >051< z30: >Stakkur 1957-1999< linked z30: 1 old: 000048170 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 new: 000048170 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$hStakkur 1957-1999 CALL_NO: no match of 852 with linked z30 records - 000048171 852: >051< z30: >051 Steinfr 1994< linked z30: 1 old: 000048171 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 new: 000048171 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 Steinfr 1994 CALL_NO: no match of 852 with linked z30 records - 000048172 852: >051< z30: >051 Straumur 1972< linked z30: 1 old: 000048172 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 new: 000048172 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 Straumur 1972 CALL_NO: no match of 852 with linked z30 records - 000048173 852: >051< z30: >051 Straumur 1991< linked z30: 1 old: 000048173 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 new: 000048173 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 Straumur 1991 CALL_NO: no match of 852 with linked z30 records - 000048174 852: >051< z30: >051 Strokur 1998< linked z30: 1 old: 000048174 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 new: 000048174 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 Strokur 1998 CALL_NO: no match of 852 with linked z30 records - 000048177 852: >051< z30: >051 Sv-hornið 1982-83< linked z30: 1 old: 000048177 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 new: 000048177 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 Sv-hornið 1982-83 CALL_NO: no match of 852 with linked z30 records - 000048179 852: >051< z30: >051 Tengill 1983-2009< linked z30: 1 old: 000048179 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 new: 000048179 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 Tengill 1983-2009 CALL_NO: no match of 852 with linked z30 records - 000048180 852: >051< z30: >051 Tímarit um Suðurnes 1983< linked z30: 1 old: 000048180 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 new: 000048180 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 Tímarit um Suðurnes 1983 CALL_NO: no match of 852 with linked z30 records - 000048182 852: >051< z30: >051 UMFK 1972-93< linked z30: 1 old: 000048182 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 new: 000048182 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 UMFK 1972-93 CALL_NO: no match of 852 with linked z30 records - 000048187 852: >051< z30: >Vála 1996:2< linked z30: 1 old: 000048187 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 new: 000048187 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$hVála 1996:2 CALL_NO: no match of 852 with linked z30 records - 000048189 852: >051< z30: >051 Verðandi [1990]< linked z30: 1 old: 000048189 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 new: 000048189 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 Verðandi [1990] CALL_NO: no match of 852 with linked z30 records - 000048190 852: >051< z30: >051 Verkalýðsp 1997-8< linked z30: 1 old: 000048190 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 new: 000048190 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 Verkalýðsp 1997-8 CALL_NO: no match of 852 with linked z30 records - 000048192 852: >051< z30: >051 Virkið í N 1955< linked z30: 1 old: 000048192 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 new: 000048192 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 Virkið í N 1955 CALL_NO: no match of 852 with linked z30 records - 000048194 852: >051< z30: >051 Vizkust 1977< linked z30: 1 old: 000048194 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 new: 000048194 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 Vizkust 1977 CALL_NO: no match of 852 with linked z30 records - 000048205 852: >051< z30: >051 Blað Lionsklúbbs S 1992< linked z30: 1 old: 000048205 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 new: 000048205 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 Blað Lionsklúbbs S 1992 CALL_NO: no match of 852 with linked z30 records - 000048206 852: >051< z30: >051 Viðhorf 1978< linked z30: 1 old: 000048206 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 new: 000048206 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 Viðhorf 1978 CALL_NO: no match of 852 with linked z30 records - 000048207 852: >051< z30: >051 Landnám 1959-63< linked z30: 1 old: 000048207 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 new: 000048207 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 Landnám 1959-63 CALL_NO: no match of 852 with linked z30 records - 000048208 852: >051< z30: >051 Sandgerði og Garður 2003< linked z30: 1 old: 000048208 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 new: 000048208 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 Sandgerði og Garður 2003 --- HOL record 000049106 --- COLLECTION: no match of 852 with linked z30 records - 000049106 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA1$$h051 old: 000049106 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA1$$h051 new: 000049106 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cHOLF$$h051 CALL_NO: no match of 852 with linked z30 records - 000049130 852: >051< z30: >051 Lan Ste 2011-2015< linked z30: 1 old: 000049130 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 new: 000049130 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 Lan Ste 2011-2015 CALL_NO: no match of 852 with linked z30 records - 000049256 852: >< z30: >Bibliotspressen< linked z30: 1 old: 000049256 852 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2 new: 000049256 852 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$hBibliotspressen CALL_NO: no match of 852 with linked z30 records - 000055674 852: >031< z30: >528 Alm 2011< linked z30: 1 old: 000055674 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h031 new: 000055674 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h528 Alm 2011 CALL_NO: no match of 852 with linked z30 records - 000055847 852: >071< z30: >051 Svipmynd 1996< linked z30: 1 old: 000055847 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h071 new: 000055847 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 Svipmynd 1996 CALL_NO: no match of 852 with linked z30 records - 000065847 852: >051< z30: >051 Sto Mil 2011< linked z30: 1 old: 000065847 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 new: 000065847 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 Sto Mil 2011 CALL_NO: no match of 852 with linked z30 records - 000066301 852: >051< z30: >051 Dyn Dyn 1< linked z30: 1 old: 000066301 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 new: 000066301 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 Dyn Dyn 1 CALL_NO: no match of 852 with linked z30 records - 000066557 852: >886.3< z30: >891.853 Mat< linked z30: 1 old: 000066557 8521 L $$bASKAS$$h886.3 new: 000066557 8521 L $$bASKAS$$c$$h891.853 Mat CALL_NO: no match of 852 with linked z30 records - 000067606 852: >051< z30: >Ísafold 2006-7< linked z30: 1 old: 000067606 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 new: 000067606 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$hÍsafold 2006-7 CALL_NO: no match of 852 with linked z30 records - 000074506 852: >051< z30: >051 Safnamál 1987-88< linked z30: 1 old: 000074506 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 new: 000074506 8521 L $$bREYAS$$cTIMA2$$h051 Safnamál 1987-88 CALL_NO: no match of 852 with linked z30 records - 000092644 852: >S< z30: >U Gun Fim< linked z30: 1 old: 000092644 8521 L $$bBALAS$$cUNGLB$$hS new: 000092644 8521 L $$bBALAS$$cUNGLB$$hU Gun Fim -------------------------------------------- Input Output Number of documents : 75254 225 Sublibrary not found : 1 Collection not found : 10 -------------------------------------------- end: at Fri Oct 15 12:41:54 2021 Run Time: 00:00:01